CBSE Affiliate

(Code No. 430212)

School Code : 10191

Secretary’s Message

In Search of Excellence………

The Trust of the Society of St. Basil is celebrating its Golden Jubilee this year. In 1973, Late Lamented His Grace Thomas Mar Athanasios (Then Fr. K.T. Thomas) founded the Trust to provide quality education to the Children in the rural areas of Gujarat. Education is the most vital and valuable asset we can provide to our children.

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan said- Civilization cannot be built with cement, sand or bricks, it has to come out from the minds of the people and the best tool is education.”

Our Country needs good human beings in every field to transform it into a civilized and developed nation. Basic human values like integrity, empathy, compassion, caring and sharing etc. should be inculcated in the young minds through educational institutions. Parochial views like religious fanaticism, colour prejudice, discrimination, inequality etc. are dangerous for the smooth functioning of a civil society. Through our educational institutions, we are trying our level best to create intellectually sharp, emotionally balanced and morally sound citizens. The motto of our Trust is Worship. Self study, Service St. Baselios was a Saint who dedicated his life for the service of God through the service of mankind. The School is in memory of this great human being.

I hope that the dedicated team of teachers in our Baselios Public School will refine and motivate the students under their care to become responsible citizens of our esteemed nation.

Our journey in search of excellence will continue with the inspiration and guidance given by our Founder President, who was a great visionary.

My best wishes to the Principal, Staff and Students

Mr. Shaji Mathai
