CBSE Affiliate

(Code No. 430212)

School Code : 10191

Dear All,


As the Principal of Baselios Public School, I am delighted to extend a warm and heartfelt greeting to each one of you. Our website serves as a window into the vibrant and dynamic world of our educational institution, where learning and growth go hand in hand.

I believe in preserving high standards with an absolute allegiance to strive, to understand and accentuate the educational process, using team strategies, while wholly concentrating on student achievement and happiness. Thus, as an educator my foremost role is to guide and nurture the children to establish skills, achieve health, respect, prosperity and fulfilment.

In my opinion, education is not just a process of bequeathing knowledge but also a lifelong process, which nurtures an understanding of moral and ethical values to guide the youth on the righteous path. I strongly feel that education is a harmonious blend of academic acumen and creative effervescence and as the principal of the school; my motto is to empower our students to grow as strong and reflective individuals with discerning minds, prepared to make a mark in the global village.

Thus, acquiring stimulus from the intend to nurture HAPPY children and create HAPPY environs that develop the imagination of the learners because imagination is where new ideas are created and progress becomes possible. “Imagination is rightfully, more important than knowledge” as knowledge is about what we already know, whereas imagination is what moves individuals and cultures forward. Imagination leads to innovation. As a parent, you want the best for your child and I am proud to be working with you to ensure that they are getting the right knowledge and imagination to face the future challenges with aplomb.

I wish to take the responsibility of nurturing our children’s dreams seriously and enthuse them, so that they excel in their academic journey. As it is rightly said, ‘The most glorious years are spent in the safe environs of school, where the wonder of first-time experiences craft childhood memories that will be savoured forever.

It is our privilege to be educators and I value that privilege earnestly. Our commitment is to lead the school with enthusiasm and passion to enable everyone to reach their goals. You will feel the vibrations as you walk into the school or meet our students anywhere in the world.

“Let noble thoughts come to us from every side”

Mrs. Nidhi Singhal