CBSE Affiliate

(Code No. 430212)

School Code : 10191

President's Message

Greetings from Fr. M. S. John.

The trust of the Society of St. Basil is managing the Baselios Public School. This Trust was started by a person who had passion for Education. He considered education mission in life. He is His Grace Thomas Mar Athanasios of blessed memory. His mission and Vision are continued through the schools he started.

In a Democratic Secular Socialist Republic like India citizens must be educated to think freely with his reasoning power. He should be able to take decision without fear or appeasement. He should not be carried away by false propaganda. Then only our democracy will be healthy and vibrant.  Providing good education is nation building programme. It is the responsibility of all citizens of post- independent era to build our nation. Our for fathers sacrificed their life to gain freedom from foreign powers. It is our responsibility to maintain that freedom and develop the nation. We have to make sure that the fruits of freedom reach the poor and lowliest of the people in our country. By providing good education at reasonable cost the Trust is fulfilling the responsibility of Nation Building.

Baselios Public School is the leading School of the The Trust of the society of St. Basil. From its inception the school keeps a good academic standard, proper discipline and compassionate social commitment. There are enough creative programmes and co-curricular activities to develop the innate talents of young minds. This will definitely help them mould themselves as competent and useful citizens of our motherland.

Under the dynamic, efficient and experienced Principal, Mrs. Nidhi Singhal, the school is marching to scale new heights. I wish all success to this great temple of learning.

Fr. M. S. John.