CBSE Affiliate

(Code No. 430212)

School Code : 10191

Our Founder

Late Lamented
His Grace Thomas Mar Anthanasios
Founder President
The Society of St. Basil
( 03-04-1938 to 24-08-2018)

Our Founder

The Trust of the Society of St. Basil was established in 1973 by the initiative and leadership of its Founder President Late Lamented His Grace Thomas Mar Athanasios. Late Lamented His Grace, known in Gujarat as Father K.T. Thomas, our mentor, Guru and Guide was born on 3rd April 1938. Late His Grace was a great Visionary, Educationist, Community Leader and a Philanthropist. He was an ardent lover of nature who vehemently advocated for environmental protection. He started schools in the rural areas of Gujarat to give quality education to the students in the villages of Gujarat.

The motto of the Trust is “Upasana (Worship), Swadhyay (Self Study), Seva (Service)”. The motto of all the schools under the Trust is “Gyanam (Wisdom) is Brahma, Adore it.” The Trust is completing 50 years of excellence in shaping the young minds through its inclusive education. We move forward steadfastly with the invisible blessings of our Founder President to contribute our share in shaping the future of our Great nation. The wealth of experience and skills are passed from one generation to another. We need both courage and wisdom to preserve the philosophies of founders and set high vision for future generations so that they learn right and act right for a progressive society.